Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chicken Enchiladas with Pumpkin Sauce (0 Star)

This is another recipe from Cheeky Kitchen. Unfortunately, not one of the younger crowd approved, but I thought they were great. The only change that I made was to use milk instead of cream. While cream is far, far superior in flavor and texture, it is also far, far superior in caloric content, and we are counting calories around here, ya know? (Sniff, sniff.)

I did use Queso Fresco in this (a first for me) because Cheeky Kitchen highly recommended it, but I think I would actually prefer Monterrey Jack. The Queso Fresco was mild, but it didn't thrill me and it was pricier. So for next time...Monterrey Jack it will be.

Click here to view recipe.

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