Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sesame Mandarin Quinoa Salad (0 Star)

None of the boys cared for this salad--only two would even try it, but I didn't expect them to. I made this for Brandon and me and we enjoyed it. This is the second time I've made something with quinoa and I liked it both times. It has a mild nutty-grainy flavor, is very quick and easy to cook, and is nutritionally superior.

I got the recipe from Picky Palate--click here. I also added more stuff:

1/2 c. finely chopped broccoli
1/2 c. finely chopped spinach
1 can drained turkey breast, shredded (to make it a main dish)
more salt to taste (probably another 1/2-3/4 tsp--the recipe only called for a pinch)

I skipped the feta because I forgot to buy some and it was still good, but probably would have been better with.

I also forgot to buy parsley so I used 1 Tbsp dried but maybe that was subliminal because I've never used fresh and I'm a little scared of it, not being especially fond of parsley. Maybe sometime I will get up the guts.

I thought this salad was even better the second day.

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