Thursday, February 11, 2010

Beef Dip Sandwiches (3 Star)

This recipe is from Pioneer Woman (she has two recipes on this page and I used the second one) and it was so good. However, (and no offense to Pioneer Woman or anyone else who calls it "Drip Beef") I just can't call it "Drip Beef". It sounds strange and unappetizing to me. But "Beef Dip Sandwiches" sound good--pretty much the same thing as "French Dip Sandwiches" which is what these are, as far as I can tell. But whatever you call them, they are tasty!

This is one of those recipes that is so easy but so good that it's hard to believe you didn't slave for hours over it. I cooked my beef in the crock pot on low for about 10 hours and it was melt-in-your-mouth tender, juicy, and beautifully beefy.

It might also have been extra good because we bought some high quality beef recently. I typically buy meat based on whatever is on sale but a few weeks ago we bought 1/8 of a cow from a local rancher who said he doesn't use hormones, antibiotics, and only grass feeds. His price seemed pretty fair to me so we decided to try it out, and this was some of the best beef I've ever cooked. Most of our little family enjoyed it, too.

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